About Us
We Mango Infotech are an Information Technology Software solutions company located in Mumbai India.
We develop Business Management Solutions, it helps you our Customers to automate your business processes and manage them more efficiently.
We believe in long term partnership, our growth is based on our Customers growth.
By applying simple thinking, we address business world challenges that lead to successful IT system implementation.
All our Business Management Solutions listed below are ready to be used over the Internet Cloud on shared Resources or we can also host same on Internet Cloud Private resources or within your office premises accessible over the LAN. All our products are flexible, scalable, and secure.
Employee Desktop Monitoring
To know features and price of Employee Desktop Monitoring Software please click on the button below.
Click here to know more
Sales CRM
- Sales Order Confirmation from quote.
- Performa Invoice from Sales Order Confirmation.
- Invoice from Sales Order Confirmation / Sales Quote.
POL is maintained.
- Item Wise.
- Order Wise.
- Customer Wise.
Purchase + Stores
Following features are available in majority of our products
All our products have required masters for e.g. Company, Customer, Third Party, Transporter, Suppliers, Country, State, City, Unit, Currency, Tax & Charges, Tax & Charges Structure, Bank, Terms & Conditions, Sub status, Communication, Additional Terms, Employee, Department, Designation, Department Rights, Configuration etc...
Reports - MIS - Docs - Registers
All documents for Customer like Sales Quote, Invoice, Proforma Inovice, Account Statement, Payment Pending Reports etc... in PDF format.
All documents for Supplier like PO, PO Pending, GRN, Requisition, Purchase Enquiry in PDF formats
MIS in PDF and excel formats
More than 100 MIS reports.
Online or On Premise
Our products can be hosted online for you to access the same over the Internet anywhere anytime in the world. Same solution can also be hosted in your own office premises will be accessible over the LAN.
Browser Based
Software is accessible on all OS devices which support chromium based browsers. You can open and access the software from desktop, laptop, Mac, iPad, mobile phone.
Same software can be used to service from 1 no of user to N no of users, only hardware needs to scale upwards. If today you have opted only for few features or you will grow in future same software solution can be used, no need of reinvestment in product or training.
Our pricing is module based, pay for only modules which you will use, why to pay more for advance complex modules which you are not going to use in near future or never, if you require upgrade or add as Add On new modules whenever you want.
User - Department rights
Users will be able to see data or access only those Modules for which their Department has rights.
Simple - Easy to Use
It is the simplest product to make sales quotation, most simple product to make invoices, even illiterate computer savvy staff will be able to use same.

Aaditya Stainless Pvt. Ltd.
All India Metal Corporation
B Rameshkumar And Co
Bhawal Steel Agency

Calico Metal Alloys LLP
CAS Pipefit Pvt. Ltd.
D H Exports Pvt. Ltd.
DHV Fitting Pvt Ltd

Fit Right Nuts & Bolts Pvt. Ltd.
Green Pack Creations
Hindustan Inox Ltd.
Inox Pumps

Jaypee Steel
JF Engineering Products LLP
Kalapurna Steel And Engineering Pvt. Ltd.
Leomet Alloys Inc

Mallinath Metal
Meraki Star Metals Oil & Gas Equipment
Metal Udyog India
Met-Lok Valves & Fittings

Mokshi Industries Pvt. Ltd.
MTC Group
MV Super Alloys Pvt. Ltd.
Neminox Steel & Engineering Co.

Ranflex Metals
Rocky Steels
Royal Veritas Oil & Gas Equipment Trading LLC
Sailesh Metal Corporation

Shashwat Stainless Inc
Shubhlaxmi Metals & Tubes Pvt. Ltd.
Sieves Manufacturers India Pvt. Ltd.
Sun Metal and Alloys

Suraj Ltd.
Trilok Steel Industries
Tubacex India Pvt. Ltd.
Vaibhav Fitting India Pvt. Ltd.
Ready to wear many hats, passion to learn and manage all aspects of IT company, jump on.
24*7 thinking
- Microsoft SQL Server Express
- Visual Studio 2015 Community
- HTML 5, JavaScript, Bootstrap
- Analytical, Logical
- Team player, solutionist, trouble shooter
- Code, Test, Deploy, Train... Repeat
Mktg Exec
24*7 on the field
- Instinctive aptitude to persuade
- Intellect to assimilate clients business
- Map clients requirement with our Solutions
- Getting deals closed
- Motivated, Energetic
- Communication skills
24*7 incentive accumulator
- Active lead generator
- Referral incentives
- Customer acquisition capabilities
- Consultants, Advisors, Influencer
- Cross Marketer
- Commission in AMC
Referral Partners
Earn incentives for bringing us new business as you sell your own products, provide service or you are our satisfied client.
- What you get?
Referral incentive for signing up customers, lifelong commission in AMC.
Our existing satisfied Clients / users gets discount in AMC for getting new referrals.
- What we expect?
You should be active lead generator, have customer acquiring capabilities and market our products along with your products and service.
- Who should join?
- Our satisfied clients, our solution users
- IT, management, marketing, networking consultants
- Hardware, software vendors
- Accountants and small business advisors
- Web designers
- Website owners with large membership bases
- Venture capital and investment firms
- Industry influencers focused on cloud computing or other vertical markets
- Hosting companies and service providers